Health & Environment

Rising Seas Come Ashore During King Tides

King Tides are visiting Boston’s waterfront this week with the highest sea levels seen this year. These photos are from Monday, October 17th around Long Wharf with many residents and visitors drawn to the rising seas. King Tide is roughly two feet higher than normal high tide (and lower than low tide) caused by the alignment of the sun and moon. A recent report by Climate Ready Boston predicts 6-9 inches of sea level rise by 2030 with 8-18 inches by 2050 and 2.5-7.4 feet by 2100.

4 Replies to “Rising Seas Come Ashore During King Tides

  1. Great pictures, Matt, but we have to remember that much of the waterfront is built on filled land and this flooding has been happening for years.
    Before the new sewer system was installed my father’s building on the corner of Lewis and Commercial Sts. would have almost a foot of salt water in the basement during the highest tides.
    Back in the Fifties “T”Wharf would routinely flood during Spring tides. There were some apartments over the old fish companies and if you saw someone walking down State St. wearing boots on a sunny day you knew they lived on “T” wharf and the tide was high.

  2. The photos do an excellent job of making rising sea levels real.
    Thank you for publishing them. Mary

  3. Will see them again in another month…Nov. 14-17 I believe as we will have a specific lunar event for the first time in 69 years during those November dates…this all according to Barry Burbank’s forecast last night.

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