Event Notices

97th Saint Anthony’s Feast Schedule – August 26-28, 2016

Saint Anthony’s Society has announced its schedule of events for the 2016 Feast! The celebration will mark its 97th year on August 26 – August 29 on Endicott, Thacher and North Margin Streets in the North End. Join us for a weekend of Italian American music, delicious foods and confections, religious services, cooking demonstrations, olive oil and cheese tastings, a singing competition and the grand procession of Saint Anthony & Saint Lucy featuring award winning drum and bugle corps & marching bands. For more information visit: www.stanthonysfeast.com. Buona Festa.

One Reply to “97th Saint Anthony’s Feast Schedule – August 26-28, 2016

  1. For first time ever I’m going to the feast on Sunday the 28th. Very very excited to see all of you and your events. Saturday looks like a fun schedule of events but I can only go Sunday. I didn’t see any events beside the parade at 12:00. Any activities Sunday morning besides mass.

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