North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council
Monday, July 11, 2016, 7:00PM
Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street
1. Welcome: NEWNC President
2. Call to Order & Roll Call: NEWNC President
3. Meeting Protocol: NEWNC Vice President
4. President’s Report: NEWNC President
5. Committee Reports:
a. Resident Parking/Traffic Committee, Danielle D’Ambrosio
b. Public Safety Committee, Sean Hennessey
c. Greenway Committee, John Pregmon
6. Reports from the Offices of Local Elected Officials
7. Battery Wharf Hotel: Westmont Hospitality seeking to obtain zoning relief in the transfer of entertainment license and, specifically, to get their Certificate of Occupancy changed to list “live music.” The hotel and restaurant operations will remain unchanged. (NEWNC unanimously supported transfer of alcohol license at Feb. 23, 2015 meeting.)
8. Community Chat: North End Italian Feasts. Representatives from the various Religious Societies to offer presentations on their various feasts.