
Trellis Lights Update at Christopher Columbus Park

Blue laser lights reflecting on the snow

The Friends of Christopher Columbus Park have provided an update on the status of the trellis lights:

We have run into problems with the new LED lights. Unfortunately, the blue lights will not be lit this season. However, there are white lights on the “ribs” of the trellis, which illuminate the trellis and the path.

We are experimenting with blue laser lights that will add a beautiful twinkle under the trellis. They should be totally installed in the next week, so be sure to take a walk under the trellis to see the magical effect these lights cast.

You may have also noticed scarves and hats hanging from the trellis in January. Friends of Christopher Columbus Park volunteers hung donated hats and scarves on the trellis, each scarf and hat having the note: “I AM NOT LOST. If I will keep you warm, Please take me.” Many hats and scarves have since found new homes.

The next FOCCP meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 9th, 6:30 pm at the Mariner’s House, 11 North Square, 2nd Floor. On the agenda is planning for 2016, including FOCCP’s 15th Anniversary!

Find more photos at the FOCCP Facebook page!