
North End Brownies & Daisies Girl Scout Troops Celebrate World Thinking Day

by Rose-Marie Gomez, NE Girl Scout Brownie Troop Leader

On February 22 of each year, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides from 146 countries celebrate World Thinking Day (WTD).

The North End Brownies and Daisies Girl Scout Troops came together to celebrate this global sisterhood on Wednesday, February 24, at the NE Public Library. The World Thinking Day theme for this year is “Connect” ideas with the World, and our Global Action theme is “Increasing Girls’ Access to Education”.

The Girl Scouts were delighted to welcome a special guest speaker, Ms. Claire Rheaume, Principal Fellow, Eliot K-8 Innovation School, and learn about the value of education in this country, the differences around the world, and its evolution through history. She related to the girls, connected with her personal experiences, and made this important topic very relevant and exciting.

The girls became more aware of how, in many parts of the world, it is hard for girls in particular (and children in general) to go to school and finish their education due to factors such as distance, poverty, or cultural beliefs. Inspired by this learning, the GS have taken action by decorating individual piggy banks to share the same awareness with family, friends, and other members of our community. To show their support, they will be collecting coins, which will be donated to a school in need in a developing country.

The North End Girls Scouts aspire to make the World a Better Place!

Our troops thank our hosts and our wonderful speaker for their wonderful support.

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