Community Government

Neighborhood Council Supports Two Zoning Requests; Surprise Motion to Fill Vacant Seat

North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) held its monthly meeting on Monday, July 13, 2015.

(00:00 in video) Call to order by President Philip Frattaroli

(00:30) Meeting protocol by Vice President Ryan Kenny

(01:00) Roll Call of attending members: Jorge Mendoza, John Pregmon, Marie Simboli, Philip Frattaroli, Ralph Verrocchi, Carmine Guarino, Anne Devlin Tagliaferro, Ryan Kenny and Gennaro Ricco. Not in attendance: Sean Hennessey, Jessica Dello Russo.

(01:30) Public safety report by Philip Frattaroli for committee chair Sean Hennessey

(02:20) Greenway report by committee chair John Pregmon

(03:40) Reports from the offices of local officials (Sen. Petruccelli, Rep. Michlewitz, Mayor Walsh)

Presentations – will be shown in separate video posts; voting results below

(04:40) Summer movies at the Gassy and Italian movies at Caffe Paradiso

(05:10) NEWNC seat vacancy – Members John Pregmon and Ralph Verrocchi surprised the council with a motion to fill the seat recently vacated by Maria Lanza with write-in candidate Luigi Natale who had the next highest number of votes in the May election. The council did not follow through on this request. NEWNC had previously decided not to fill the vacant seat in executive session.

(06:40) NEWNC vote announcement, 8-0, in support of zoning relief at 31 Snow Hill Street to replace and expand an existing roof deck.

(07:10) NEWNC vote announcement, 8-0, in support of zoning relief at 27-29 Fleet Street (corner of Moon St.) to change from four residential units (and one commercial) to five residential units.

(07:40) Meeting adjourned

NEWNC does not have an August meeting. The next scheduled meeting is September 14, 2015, 7:00 pm at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street.

Check the Events Calendar for summer movies, meetings and events.