A zoning relief application at 414 Commercial Street by Nick Leo was presented to the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) by Attorney Daniel Toscano on May 11, 2015. The petitioner is seeking relief to change commercial space, formerly used by a chiropractor, to residential space. The change would increase the number of residential units in the property from 7 to 8 units. The space is approximately 1900 square feet and would be for rental. Relief is also needed for off street parking which is not available. One abutter at the meeting spoke in support of the application and no objections were heard.
NEWNC voted 8-0 in unanimous support of the zoning relief application. North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) has issued its position of “no objection”. Both NEWNC and NEWRA are advisory to the City of Boston Zoning Board of Appeal that will hear the application on June 23, 2015.