“Boston Bingo” is a new game to support local businesses recoup after the brutal winter weather. Created by the City of Boston Office of Economic Development, residents fill out a bingo card and submit it either electronically or drop it off at City Hall.
At each location, you need to snap a photo of yourself and tweet, Instagram or post on Facebook the picture AND the hashtag #BosBingo. Feel free to tag the business itself and for extra fun, tag us @NorthEndBoston! Looking at the categories, it wouldn’t take long to make “bingo” just in the North End / Waterfront neighborhood.
“Boston Bingo is a creative way for residents to come together and support our local economy as we continue to recover from the historic amount of snow Boston has received this winter,” said Mayor Walsh in a statement.
You can download a bingo card here or pick one up at local businesses. Boston Bingo prizes include Bruins tickets, Hubway memberships and coffee with Mayor Walsh.
All bingo squares are “open for interpretation” according to the City’s website explaining the rules. Each winning card enters you into a raffle for the prizes. Fill in one line as in traditional bingo or get 7 entries at once by filling in the entire card.
“We are excited to launch Boston Bingo,” said John Barros, Chief of Economic Development. “The weather has taken a toll on small business revenues, making it harder for them to pay their employees, or keep up with the costs of keeping their doors open. It’s so important that we do what we can to support them, and encourage our neighbors to do the same.”
To enter electronically, email crystal.torman@boston.gov a photo or a scanned copy of your winning card with the correct cells marked. Make sure your email includes your name, phone number, and social media information (twitter handle, Facebook, Instagram, etc.). For the non-techies, you can bring your paper receipts and bingo card to Room 603 at City Hall. Submissions are due by midnight on March 15, 2015. See the city’s website for more details.