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North End Groups Request for Deferral on Tia’s Restaurant Expansion Rejected

newnc newra logoNews from the boards of NEWRA and NEWNC:

Tuesday, the North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association and the North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council submitted a joint letter to the Zoning Board of Appeals requesting that the application for a second story roof deck addition to Tia’s Restaurant be deferred until the applicant can appear before the North End groups.  The request cited historical precedent, geographical reasoning and the intended goals of the neighborhood notification requirements as rationale for why the North End groups should hear the application.

The Zoning Board of Appeals unfortunately did not honor the request for a deferral and voted to support Tia’s expansion application.  Because the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services (ONS) does not consider Tia’s to be in the North End, neither NEWRA nor NEWNC have been given the opportunity to have meetings on this variance, despite numerous requests for North End involvement in the decision process.  Further, because the nearest residences to Tia’s are just over 300 feet away (across from Christopher Columbus Park), an abutters’ meeting was not held.

North End residents are encouraged to read the joint letter, and to contact the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services at 617-635-4500 or

[ilink url=”” style=”download”]Download Joint NEWRA/NEWNC Letter on Tia’s (pdf)[/ilink]