A classic Summer standard in Boston’s North End is Polcari’s famous lemon slush at the corner of Salem & Parmenter streets. Jerry Cordasco captures the above photo while Joy-Filled Days says, “For around $2 you can purchase the best lemon Italian ice in Boston.”
“Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on NorthEndWaterfront.com. Did you take an interesting photo in or around Boston’s North End / Waterfront or do you have an old photo in your collection? Have it featured by emailing it to info@northendwaterfront.com. Please include a title, date taken and a sentence or two describing the photo.
as soon as that bucket came out in april you knew it was spring.. the best slush in the states.. clean clear crisp lemon taste..many afternoons as a kid walking down to polcaris getting a daily lemonade.. coming home from work on a hot summer day getting a lemonade..yep that’s what we used to call it lemonade.. the best and always a treat when I go to the north end gotta have a polcaris lemonade!