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Inspiring Ideas From “Flights” Competition by Wentworth Students


Students from Wentworth Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, presented the results of a competition to redesign the Flights area at DeFilippo Playground (The Gassy). Specifically, the assigned project was titled, “Urban Path: Activating the North End Flights.” Within the Flights area, students were encouraged to incorporate a performance space and public restrooms. Each design team produced two 30″ x 40″ boards over approximately 2 weeks including site visits. Submissions were judged and critiqued by professional and student juries. Five finalist projects were presented at a NEWRA meeting on May 8, 2014 shown in the video above.

  • (00:00 in video) Introduction by WIT instructor, Elizabeth Ghiseline, who is also Secretary of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA).
  • (05:30) Holly Hersey + Rima Aboulseiman  (Professor’s Choice Award) title: The Green In Between
  •  (13:50) Panharith Ean + Greg Jimmie  (Second Place Overall: Invited jury) title: Recording Ephemera
  •  (20:15) Kylie Trainor + Hailey Cyr   (First Place: People’s Choice Award) title: Falling Skies
  •  (25:30) Sarah St. Onge + Emily Lampert  (Third Place Overall: Invited Jury) title: Defilippo Park: Dynamic Terraces
  •  (30:35) Matt Arsenault + Neal DosSantos  (First Place Overall: Invited Jury + Third Place: People’ Choice Award) title: UN.HINGED
  • Additional team (images posted but not presented) titled Place Inhabiting Edge Conditions by Kevin Fletcher + Phil Seclen (Professor’s Choice Award)

Below are more photos of the boards. (Click the images to enlarge.)

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