
Dog Park at Gassy Flights Taking Shape

The new dog park being constructed at DeFilippo Park (i.e., the Gassy) on the stepped flights is quickly moving toward completion. In just another week or so, the park will be ready for the dogs! Thanks to Janine Coppola for sharing these photos. “Neighborhood Photo” is a regular feature on Submit your interesting photos using Read More…


RUFF Dog Show Helps Raise Money for Permanent Dog Park at the Gassy

R.U.F.F. (Responsible Urbanites for Fido) hosted a fun dog show fundraiser on Saturday afternoon at the North End Dog Park. The group is working with city officials to make the successful pilot at the Gassy Flights into an official dog park opening in Spring 2016. Dozens of dogs participated in numerous categories of competition including Read More…


Permanent Dog Park Planned for Gassy Flights [Video]

“The dog park pilot at Gassy Flights (DeFilippo Playground) went extremely well and has been approved by the City to be a permanent addition to the neighborhood,” said RUFF (Responsible Urbanites for Fido) President Leslie Horn at this month’s North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) meeting. “The feedback we have been received has been extraordinarily positive. We’re excited,” said Horn. Read More…

Community Photos & Videos

Photos: Early 1970’s DeFilippo Park “The Gassy”

Boston Parks and Recreation Department is doing some research on the area of the Gassy (DeFilippo Park) by the Flights that is now a dog park. As part of that process, City Archives found these fascinating images from the early 1970’s. Check out the psychedelic mural on the Brinks Garage wall and the old style tot lot. Also Read More…

Community Event Notices Photos & Videos

Video: Commissioner Chris Cook Talks About Improving North End Parks

New Boston Parks & Recreation Department Commissioner, Christopher Cook, gave an update to North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) on January 8, 2015. Cook spoke about the “TLC” and infrastructure projects long delayed in the parks and open spaces of the North End / Waterfront. He specifically made that point that new revenue streams will be required in Read More…

Community Event Notices

Dog Park Pilot at the Gassy Flights Supported by Neighborhood Council

A pilot dog park was presented this week to the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) by Amy Hand and Leslie Horn from the local dog owners group, RUFF (Responsible Urbanites for Fido). RUFF is working with the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services and funding from the Stanton Foundation to start the 3 month pilot in Read More…

Community Photos & Videos Schools

Inspiring Ideas From “Flights” Competition by Wentworth Students

[responsive_youtube] Students from Wentworth Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, presented the results of a competition to redesign the Flights area at DeFilippo Playground (The Gassy). Specifically, the assigned project was titled, “Urban Path: Activating the North End Flights.” Within the Flights area, students were encouraged to incorporate a performance space and public restrooms. Read More…

Community Event Notices Health & Environment

Parks Meeting Addresses Deteriorating Condition of North End Parks & Open Spaces

A large crowd of North End residents gathered on Tuesday night to discuss how to improve the neighborhood’s parks and playgrounds. The meeting was chaired by Anne M. Pistorio of the NEWRA Parks and Open Spaces Committee. Special guest speakers were Parks Commissioner Antonia Pollak and City Councilor Sal LaMattina. Commissioner Pollak thanks North End Read More…

Commentaries Police & Fire

Unity Street Resident Sounds Off on Noise and Disturbance Issues

The attached letter relates specifically to ongoing problems at the Eliot Elementary School, which helped lead to the near-riot conditions at and near the Prado this past weekend. However, the general problem of noise and disturbances is again becoming serious and we need to encourage our police and elected officials to do more. The street Read More…