Event Notices Food & Drink

Residents’ Association Supports Frank DePasquale’s “Al Fresco” Proposal at Former “Ida’s” Site

[responsive_youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5CIiA3syhc]

Restauranteur Frank DePasquale has purchased the 26-seat restaurant formerly known as “Ida’s” and the buildings at 2 Mechanic Street and 11 Board Alley to create Bricco “Al Fresco” restaurant and outdoor patio. An application has been filed with the Boston Licensing Board to transfer the beer and wine license, add cordials and introduce a 48-seat outdoor dining area in the rear area adjacent to the Sumner Tunnel entrance ramp. The closing hour of the restaurant is proposed to stay at midnight, 7 days with the patio closing at 11:00 pm.

The North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) heard the application on November 14, 2013 and engaged in a discussion with Mr. DePasquale and Attorney William Ferullo.

Plans include the renovation of the existing residential buildings for new apartments and/or short-term rentals. Mr. DePasquale said that tenants have been offered various options to stay in residence after the renovation. In addition, DePasquale’s Pasta Shoppe is expected to relocate from its existing Cross Street location into the ground floor at Board Alley.

Questions were asked regarding the outdoor enclosure and seasonal use of the patio. The owner referenced a canopy and folding structure with plastic sides. A fence or wall will also isolate the patio from the adjacent tunnel entrance.

NEWRA members voted on the three parts of the application as follows:

1 – Transfer Ida’s Malt & Wine Pouring License: 23 support, 3 oppose
2 – Expand alcohol service to a new 48-seat outdoor dining area in courtyard: 16 support, 8 oppose
3 – Add cordials to the license: 17 support, 6 oppose

NEWRA will write a letter to the Licensing Board in support of the application.

See the above video for the complete presentation and discussion regarding the proposal.

2 Replies to “Residents’ Association Supports Frank DePasquale’s “Al Fresco” Proposal at Former “Ida’s” Site

  1. over the years frank has done everything thats been asked of him and more for the north end community and his generous contributions are some times overlooked i fully support

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