Arts & Culture Community Photos & Videos

Video: 2013 North End Columbus Day Parade


Between taking photos, I caught some video snippets from the 2013 Columbus Day Parade in the North End.  Be sure to catch the wedding ceremony for Kelly and Dom D’Ambrosio at the 4:30 mark in the video.

3 Replies to “Video: 2013 North End Columbus Day Parade

  1. I would like to congratulate the entire Columbus Day Parade Committee for a job well done on a beautiful sunny October Sunday. I would also like to thank all the life-long friends and neighbors along the parade route for their encouragement as I and my new bride Kelly got married on Hanover St.
    in front of the Paul Revere Statue/ Prado. We were pleased to add to the historic significance of this tradional Special Event. Also thanks to the members of The Fishermans Club for their tremendous cooperation.

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