Community Featured Kids & Families Photos & Videos Schools

Rolling Parade for Class of 2020 North End Graduates [Photo Gallery]

A rolling Class of 2020 Graduation Parade was held on Saturday morning to recognize Boston North End seniors who have missed their formal ceremonies this year. Organized by State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, dozens of vehicles made their way through the streets stopping at the homes of over 20 graduates. Seniors received commendations from the Massachusetts Read More…

Event Notices

Celebrating North End “Class of 2020” With a Social Distance Parade

Come out onto the streets on Saturday, May 30th to celebrate North End High School Seniors, the Class of 2020, who are graduating this June. A car parade will drive throughout the neighborhood beginning at Puopolo Park at 11 am. The event is being sponsored by State Representative Aaron Michlewitz.

Arts & Culture Featured Photos & Videos Schools

Eliot Students Celebrate Lunar New Year With a North End Parade [Photo Gallery]

The Eliot K-8 School celebrated the Lunar New Year this week with a parade through the streets of Boston’s North End. Lower School students at the Charter Street building prepared their dragon costumes, face masks and noisemakers and processed along Hanover Street around Tileston and Unity Streets back to the Paul Revere Mall (Prado). The Read More…

Arts & Culture Community Featured Kids & Families

48th Annual North End Christmas Parade [Photos]

After Santa landed his helicopter at Columbus Park, it was time for the 48th North End Christmas Parade. Hundreds watched the Christmas Parade wind through the neighborhood streets. Two marching bands played holiday music while costumed characters took pictures with the kids. Of course, it’s not a parade without antique cars and fire trucks. The parade is Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured Photos & Videos

Italian Heritage Celebrated at Bi-Annual North End Columbus Day Parade [Photo Gallery]

The Bi-Annual Columbus Day Parade took place on Sunday October 13, beginning at City Hall Plaza and winding through the North End / Waterfront neighborhood. Leading off the parade was Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, Italian Consul General Federica Sereni, along with State Rep. Aaron Michlewitz, Councilors Lydia Edwards, Ed Flynn and Michael Flaherty. The parade Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured Photos & Videos

Photo Gallery: Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company Parade

The largest military parade on the East Coast took place on Monday afternoon in downtown Boston with over 30 historic military organizations participating in this yearly Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company ceremonial event. The AHAC marched from their Headquarters in Faneuil Hall, past the Granary Burial Ground on Tremont Street. At the cemetery they lay a wreath at the Read More…

Arts & Culture Community Featured Photos & Videos

2018 North End Christmas Parade Brings Santa by Helicopter [Photos]

The 47th North End Christmas Parade brought Santa to the neighborhood in first class fashion via his own helicopter. The chilly but sunny weather brought out hundreds to the waterfront’s Puopolo Field for Santa’s arrival followed by the Christmas Parade through the neighborhood streets. Two marching bands played holiday music while costumed characters took pictures with the kids. Read More…

Photos & Videos

Photo Gallery: VFW Post 144 Veterans Day Parade and Ceremonies

The North End Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 144 held its annual parade in Boston’s North End on Veterans Day, November 11th. Ceremonial stops were made at the Iraq/Afghanistan memorial at Old North Church, the VFW plaque on the Prado and during a Mass at St. Stephen’s Church. Michele Morgan captures these photos of Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured Photos & Videos

Photo Gallery: Boston Veterans Day Parades

Boston’s Veterans Day Parade took place on Sunday, November 11th, led by Mayor Marty Walsh and proceeded around Boston Common to City Hall. Military units and local militias were joined by marching bands and veterans organizations. Following the first parade was the annual Veterans for Peace Parade, recognizing Armistice Day, a Day of Peace. Photographer Gerri Palladino Read More…

Event Notices

“Boston Occupied: An Insolent Parade” to Re-enact 1768 Landing of the British Redcoats Landing

“Boston Occupied: An Insolent Parade”, is a re-enactment and commemoration of the 250th anniversary of when British troops landed in Boston in 1768, which began a seven-year occupation of the city. On the morning of Saturday, October 6 over 150 Redcoat reenactors will land on Long Wharf and proceed to occupy Boston throughout the weekend. After landing, the Read More…

Community Photos & Videos

Photo Gallery: North End VFW Post 144 Memorial Day Procession

VFW Post 144 held their annual Memorial Day ceremonies in the North End. A Mass was held at St. Leonard Church followed by a procession on Hanover Street to the memorials on the Prado and the military dog tag display outside Old North Church. Photos by Michele Morgan.