Photos & Videos

Rainbows, Rainbows and More Rainbows!

Did you catch the wild rainbows on Wednesday night? Here’s our capture of a double rainbow over Boston Harbor and two more from our readers. Lauren sees it over Salem Street and Cornelius finds “double-pot” over Downtown Boston.

Double Rainbow Over Harbor and Seaport – June 2013 – Photo by Matt Conti
Rainbow over Lauren Nelson – June 2013 – Photo by Lauren Nelson

Double Rainbow from the North End looking toward Downtown – Photo by Cornelius O’Connor

Did you take an interesting photo in or around Boston’s North End / Waterfront? Have it featured by emailing it to

5 Replies to “Rainbows, Rainbows and More Rainbows!

  1. Oh wow .. these are all amazing pictures. What times were they taken?
    The FOCCP Horticulture Hotties were in the Rose Garden working from 5:30-7:00.
    I can’t believe we missed the rainbows.
    We kept our heads down intently working on saving the roses from the predicted N’or-easter.
    Did it happen?
    Suggestion: adding the time of day pictures are taken would be great.
    Thank ya,

    1. Hi Meredith, It was just about 7pm, give or take. I thought it would be a lucky sign for the Bruins game at 8pm (obviously not). The rainbows were in and out for about 10 minutes. Given the rain we’re expecting, there might be more in the days ahead. –Matt

  2. I enjoy seeing photos of my grandfather’s, my grandmother’s, and my great grandfather/mother’s homes, businesses, and other environs in the North End. How things in the North End have changed drastically since then!

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