Enjoy solving this night scene picture puzzle of Polcari’s Coffee and the Sulmona Meat Market on the corner of Parmenter & Salem Streets. I heard the last jigsaw puzzle was a little tough, so there are only 60 pieces in this one.
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4 Replies to “Jigsaw Picture Puzzle: A Polcari’s Coffee Evening”
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Oh Matt, Don’t listen to us~~~We like to say that it was tough~~~but, We Like it Tough !!!!!
Thank You Matt~~~This is my then~~ and now still ~~”MY STOMPING GROUNDS” !! Don’t forget~~a little further up the street was “PAL’L LUNCH” !! (Now Pagliuca’s Restaurant) I enjoyed the Puzzle !
I havent seen a new puzzle did I miss last weeks? I love doing them and look Forward to them each week
Thanks for the comment! I missed last week … too much going on, but here is one for this week: