Photos & Videos

Pictures of the March Winter Storm in the North End / Waterfront

The weather forecasters were only off by about 10 inches as it kept snowing (and snowing). After trudging through the snow, sit back and see how pretty is all looks in these photos. There have been plenty of snow storm pictures this winter, so I added a bit of funky filtering to this gallery set.

Photos by Matt Conti. Download and order prints here.

6 Replies to “Pictures of the March Winter Storm in the North End / Waterfront

  1. Matt , the third picture down ( the dog in front of cops hill) looks like he’s flying in mid air and the lady is dragging him by the leash . His feet are hidden from view .

  2. Matt great pictures. This set in comparison to the last storm showed more of the Beast than the Beauty that hit our Neighborhood this time. Thanks again this had to be a tough one taking these pictures walking was horrible but you again did the NorthEnd proud with your photos.

  3. Matt~~~Once again~~~You Out-Did-Yourself !!! These photos are extremely Deep ! !

    Whenever I see a picture that you Post~~I immediately think of myself doing that photo as a Jigsaw Puzzle ! ! ! !
    I cannot help myself ! You are the original culprit that
    started me off on my Puzzle Addiction !!!! ha ha ha

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