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Sail Boston “Tall Ships” Kicks Off June 17th – Event Schedule
Tall Ships organizer, Sail Boston, has released details for the upcoming schedule of events, starting on June 17th: Sail Boston Schedule of Events Released Grand Parade of Sail on June 17 Kicks Off Maritime Celebration On June 17, dozens of majestic sailing vessels from around the globe will enter Boston’s inner harbor under sail for the Read More…
Abutters Skeptical on Improvement Plan for Bartlett Place [Video]
Design engineers from Boston Public Works received a mixed response from North End residents on Tuesday night to conceptual plans improving Bartlett Place. The $110,000 project will include basic sidewalk repairs and street resurfacing with the potential for street furniture and park-like amenities. The City is prepared to do more than clean up and repairs Read More…
Winter Extended, Thanks to P.A.L., NEAA and NEAD
Once again, the Nazzaro Center teamed up with the Police Activities League, the North End Athletic Association and North End Against Drugs to provide families and friends of the North End with an incredible grand finale to the center’s ski program, a week-end of skiing at arguably the best ski resort in the east, Killington Mountain. After various day trips run by the Read More…