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Christmas Time is Here Again at the Nazzaro Center

Perhaps running through a dress rehearsal for December 25th, Santa made an early visit to the Nazzaro Center last Wednesday and arrived with a sleigh full of gifts for the members there. About 100 boys and girls from ages 6 all the way up to 17 who all believe in Santa were rewarded by the big bearded one with gifts and pizza.

The annual party began with a photo shoot on the 2nd floor (see photos) and then, as Santa made his getaway, moved downstairs for the food, drink and entertainment. Poor Santa looked exhausted after only an hour’s work so he has a ways to go if he wants to be in top shape for the main event. Meanwhile the kids, all seasoned veterans from Christmases past, continued their week’s long celebration barely breaking a sweat. They look ready, willing and able to meet the holidays head on.

The party, which cost the members and their parents zero, was partially funded through recent donations from St. Lucy club, St. Anthony club, the NEAA, NEAD and the Regional Review.

The staff and all the kids from the Nazzaro Center wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Photos courtesy of Carl Ameno, Nazzaro Center Director.