Community Meetings Police & Fire

New North End-Waterfront Neighborhood Watch Program

Under the direction of Carolyn MacNeil, Director of Neighborhood Watch programs for the Boston Police department, councilman David Marx of NEWNC and North End resident Brian Brandt, The North End-Waterfront will soon have a Neighborhood Watch program.

Public Safety meetings are held at 6:30 PM on the first Thursday of every month at The Nazarro Center. The next meeting will be held on June 7th. The “North End-Waterfront Neighborhood Watch Kickoff Meeting” will be held directly after the Public Safety meeting on June 7th. Those who wish to attend this kickoff are asked to arrive by 7:00PM.

Meeting agenda as follows:

Carolyn MacNeil, Director: Carolyn will distribute Neighborhood Watch materials; discuss orientation and training; and clearly state the authority level of volunteers, to include policy and procedure.

Brian Brandt, Program Co-Coordinator: Brian will discuss ideas for the Neighborhood Watch program learned through researching other programs and provide a composite of any comments, questions or concerns about the program that reach him before the kickoff. He will also seek volunteers for the “Feet on the Street” initiative, which is a team of mover-lifter volunteers who help incoming residents around key move-in dates, in an attempt to orient these residents to quality of life issues.

Q&A: Attendees will have a chance to question or comment on the portions of the above speakers.

David Marx, Program Co-Coordinator: David will announce that Neighborhood Watch updates will occur at each public safety meeting and get as close to consensus as possible for a regular monthly inworking meeting. The Neighborhood Watch program will hold monthly inworking meetings. These meetings will be strictly amongst volunteers registered with Carolyn MacNeil’s office.

Comments in advance of the Kickoff should be sent to my email. Please keep comments brief and relevant. Volunteers who wish to be a part of the Neighborhood watch but are unable to attend the kickoff may email me their full name, phone number and email. All volunteers must be registered in advance of attending any Inworking Meetings.

Brian Brandt