Health & Environment

North End Waterfront Health Celebrates National Health Center Week

North End Waterfront Health is proud to be a part of the health care network that serves half of Boston residents – community health centers. In honor of National Health Center Week, here are a few facts about this vital health care network:

  • There are 1,250 health centers in the United States that provide care to 20 million people.
  • Health centers provide jobs for 70,000 people.
  • One in two Boston residents receive care at a community health center.
  • Health centers are the most popular health care network in the state, with one in eight Massachusetts residents going to a health center for their care.
  • Health centers are community-driven and patient-centered.
  • Health centers provide comprehensive care, including physical, mental, and dental.
  • Health centers produce cost savings for their communities and the nation.
  • Health centers mobilize communities and their people to make health and prevention priorities.
  • Health centers make an enormous contribution by keeping the doors of health care open to all who seek their care.

For more information, visit the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers website.

And for more information on North End Waterfront Health, see their website.