Government Photos & Videos

“Boston Harbor in Photos” by Aerial Photographer Alex MacLean


Renowned aerial photographer and pilot Alex MacLean presents a photo slideshow showing the progress of Boston’s waterfront from 1975 through today. The presentation was sponsored by The Boston Harbor Association as part of a 2-day event, “A Clean Boston Harbor: What Next?” held at the IMAX theater at New England Aquarium and the Moakey Federal Courthouse on June 13 and 14, 2011. Introducing Mr. MacLean is Audrey O’Hagan, AIA, 2011 President of the Boston Society of Architects.

In addition to a fascinating selection of before and after Boston Harbor photographs, Mr. MacLean shares aerial photos from other cities, such as Venice, Italy, that are similarly confronted with the challenges of climate change and sea level rise. Interestingly, he captures his spectacular photos while simultaneously flying the plane!

View a high-definition version of the video.