Food & Drink Real Estate

“The Living Room” Request for 2:00 a.m. Closing, “El Triunfo” and Two Zoning Cases on ZLC Agenda

The agenda for the next meeting of NEWRA’s Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee, this Tuesday, February 22, is shown below.  Please note the change of location to the Nazzaro Center due to ongoing construction in the Pilot House. ZLC Committee meetings are for informational purposes only (no votes) and open to the public.


Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA)

Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, February 22, 2011, 7:00 PM

Location Change:   Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street

Zoning and Licensing Applications    

7:00 PM – 7:20 PM
196 Endicott Street, Esmaeil Mahdavi
, has applied to the Boston Board of Appeal for zoning relief to change the legal occupancy of the building from a three-family dwelling to a four-family dwelling, converting the basement to a residential unit.   

7:20 PM – 7:40 PM
215-221 Hanover Street
, CVS plans to seek zoning relief to install additional cooling units on the roof as part of a renovation of the store.  All cooling units will be fitted with sound insulation.

7:40 PM – 8:00 PM
101-107 Atlantic Ave.
, The Living Room, John Hauck plans to separately apply for:  

1.      Amendment to the existing All-Alcohol Beverages License to extend the closing hour from 1:00 AM to 2:00 AM on Thursday, Friday and Saturday only, and for Private Events (closed to the public).  The owner may limit the special events not to exceed two per month.  

2.      Amendment to the existing entertainment license to add a disc jockey on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and for Private Events.  The owner may limit the special events not to exceed two per month.  

8:00 PM – 8:20 PM
69 Prince Street, El Triunfo Restaurant, Ali Yagcioglu
, plans to open a new casual restaurant in the space formerly operated as “Grezzo.”  

8:20 PM – 8:40 PM
Various ZLC updates and suggestions for new or renewed initiatives.

For more information about ZLC Committee meetings, contact View NEWRA’s website at

One Reply to ““The Living Room” Request for 2:00 a.m. Closing, “El Triunfo” and Two Zoning Cases on ZLC Agenda

  1. John Hauck of the Living Room has asked for a 2 AM license and been denied several times already, His main argument is always the same…. that he needs to compete with TIAs. Just what is needed …a loud crowded bar that closes at 2AM in a residential building surrounded by other residential buildings.

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