Community Real Estate

NEWRA to Hear Lucia’s Live Entertainment Application and Old Sheldon’s Building Renovation

North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association
October/Annual Meeting Agenda
Thursday, October 14, 2010, 7:00 PM
Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street

7:00 PM – 7:20 PM

  • President’s Report
  • Membership Committee
  • Clean Streets Committee
  • Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee
  • Parks and Open Space Committee
  • Update on the City’s study of alternative hazardous cargo truck routes.
Zoning and Licensing Applications  

7:20 PM – 7:40 PM
133 Salem Street, David Crocini has applied for a variance from the Zoning Code to add a fourth floor (partial) to the existing 3-story commercial building formerly Sheldon’s Discount Store, with resulting height no more than 50 feet, and change the legal occupancy of the building from retail in entirety to retail (first floor) and 4 residential units, including one 1-bedroom residential unit on first floor, one 2-bedroom unit and one 1-bedroom unit on second floor, and a three-bedroom duplex on floors three and four.  Mechanicals on top; patios on fourth level front and back.

7:40 PM – 8:00 PM
415 Hanover Street, Lucia Ristorante, Donato Frattaroli recently filed application with the Mayor’s Office of Consumer Affairs and Licensing for a live entertainment license.  In 2009, Lucia’s sought and obtained a zoning change that allows live entertainment in the basement level, which has a capacity of 52 persons.  The current application requests license for live entertainment to include up to two musical instruments with or without one vocalist.  The basement level does not have windows, entertainment will not be piped into the upper two floors, and there will be no amplification of the musical instruments.  The requested live entertainment hours in the application are 11:00 AM to 11:00 P.M.

Annual Meeting
8:00 PM – 8:30 PM

•NEWRA Accomplishments and Look Ahead
•Annual Election of NEWRA Officers

The Nomination Committee recommends the following members for election as officers of NEWRA for the 2010-11 term:

President:  Stephanie Hogue, Henchman Street
Vice President: Victor Brogna, Commercial Street
Treasurer: Sanjoy Mahajan, Jackson Avenue (for a second consecutive term)
Secretary: Nicole Rafter, Prince Street
Sergeant of Arms:  Jim Salini, Charter Street

Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of the meeting to celebrate another year of accomplishment for the North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association.  All are welcome!