Business Event Notices

Fall Events at the Paul Revere House

PaulRevereHouseFromStreetRemember, admission to the Paul Revere House is FREE to North End residents.

“Paul Revere’s Boston”
Visit the courtyard of the Paul Revere House on Saturday afternoons in the fall for a glimpse of life in 18th century Boston. This year Tinker Larry Leonard makes his first appearance at the museum to demonstrate the craft of tinsmithing. Each week features a different demonstration or performance. “Paul Revere’s Boston” events are free with museum admission: adults $3.50, seniors and college students $3.00, children ages 5-17 $1. Through October 31, the Revere House is open daily 9:30–5:15.


4  A Visit with Paul Revere,1:00, 1:45, 2:30 Michael Lepage brings Boston’s favorite patriot vividly to life. Learn about the details of his ride, his family, and his many jobs.

11  Silversmithing in the Tradition of Paul Revere, 1:00-4:00.  With hammers, iron shears, and jeweler’s saws, master silversmith Steve Smithers reveals the techniques Revere used to transform ingots of silver into creamers, porringers and beakers.

18 Printing Demonstration, 1:00-4:00  Not only did Revere serve as a courier for the Sons of Liberty, he also contributed to the independence movement by engraving inflammatory political cartoons. R.P. Hale produces copies of an engraving on a hand-cranked press.

25  Hammered Dulcimer Concert, 1:00-4:00 Award-winning musician Dave Neiman plays jigs, reels, and Baroque and Renaissance tunes that Paul Revere and his family may have enjoyed.


2  Colonial Leather Working, 1:00-4:00 Find out how leather workers fashioned scabbards, sword belts, and harnesses to outfit the Continental Army. Fred Lawson demonstrates these methods and invites visitors to try their hands at punching holes and sewing leather.

9  Paper Marbling, 1:00-4:00.  See how colonial craftsmen created eye-catching marbled papers to decorate book covers and instrument boxes. Watch as R. P. Hale floats pigments in water, swirls the colors, then transfers the designs to paper.

16 Tinsmithing Demonstration, 1:00-4:00 Who made the ubiquitous lanterns, sconces, and other tin wares of the 18th century? A tinker! Larry Leonard produces and sells examples of his craft while describing the techniques, tools, and materials used since the Reveres’ era.

Please note: No program on October 23 or 30.

THE REVERE HOUSE AT A GLANCE:  On the Freedom Trail in Boston’s historic North End, the Revere House was home to patriot and silversmith Paul Revere from 1770 to 1800. Revere left from the house on April 18, 1775, to begin the mission that Henry Wadsworth Longfellow immortalized in poetry. For more information please visit,