
Applications Available for ABCD Summer Jobs

Apply NOW for ABCD Summer Jobs!

Teenagers, Older Youths Urged to Apply at ABCD Neighborhood Sites

Teenagers and young people up to age 24 are urged to apply now for the
ABCD SummerWorks program. This year Action for Boston Community
Development (ABCD) will provide summer jobs for young people ages 14
to 24.

Last year 5,000 youths applied for the 2,100 summer jobs funded
through ABCD.

Applications for the 2010 ABCD SummerWorks jobs program for youngsters
from low-income families are now available at local neighborhood
sites. Those interested can call 617-348-6548 or log onto for information on the ABCD neighborhood center
where they should apply.

The ABCD SummerWorks program offers paid work experience, tutoring,
mentoring and career development to disadvantaged youths in the city
of Boston. Those served by ABCD are the most at-risk young people in
the city – all come from inner-city families with a total family
income of $28,605 or less for a family of four. This year, with
massive job losses punctuating a continuing recession, ABCD officials
stress the critical importance of increased state and federal funding
for summer jobs for teens from low-income families.

“We hope that state and federal funding will enable us to put more
young people to work this year,” said ABCD President/CEO John J. Drew.
“These kids want and need jobs. At ABCD, we have the infrastructure in
place to provide a hugely successful career development experience for
them. They fill real jobs and make a difference in their communities.
Many spend their salaries to help their families pay rent and buy
food. They get tutoring and mentoring and develop the incentive to
stay in school and pursue their dreams. It’s a win-win for everyone!”

Drew also pointed out that this year’s expected federal funds are
directed to older youth, ages 16 to 24. “We must rely on state and
corporate funding to provide jobs for our all-important
14-to-16-year-olds,” he said. “Our experience shows that when we work
with these young teens we can help move them in a positive direction.
We hope the state and our other funding sources will recognize this
need and continue their support of this program.” -more- The program
places young people in jobs at local non-profit organizations
including hospitals, health centers, museums, day camps, government
agencies and child care centers. The youths also participate in
work-readiness and career-oriented workshops and receive mentoring and
tutoring, including preparation for the MCAS exam.

ABCD SummerWorks collaborates with Mayor Thomas Menino’s summer jobs
initiative for Boston and has provided opportunities for at-risk
Boston youth since 1965.