The North End Athletic Association (NEAA) will hold an early baseball registration period from January 17th to the 31st.
A neighborhood baseball program, the NEAA Youth Baseball League provides a comprehensive baseball experience for youth in the North End, Waterfront, Back Bay, Beacon Hill and other surrounding neighborhoods combining teamwork, sportsmanship and skill building in a family atmosphere. Boys and girls ages 6 to 12 as of April 30th 2010 can register for the 2010 Minors Youth Baseball Program (ages 6 to 8) and the Majors Youth Baseball Program (ages 9-12). The fee during the early registration period will remain the same as last year, $35.00 per player.
The purpose of early registration is to help give the organizers of both programs the ability to plan properly for another fantastic season of youth baseball in the North End. The NEAA inconjunction with the Nazzaro Center will also host preseason clinics for all ages. Details on Coach Dom’s Clinic, T-Ball and Babe Ruth League (Ages 13 -15) will follow soon.
“Our goal is to provide the ultimate baseball learning experience by promoting competitive play, while instilling sportsmanship, preserving the fun of participation and creating the opportunity to make lifelong friendships,” stated NEAA Baseball Coordinator John Romano. NEAA volunteer commissioners, coaches and administrators have over 100 years of combined experience in providing baseball programs to the youth of Boston neighborhoods. Commissioners Frank Iudiciani and Peter Sherin will return to again oversee the Youth Major’s Program.
You can register on-line at starting on Sunday January 17th or in person at the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 North Bennet St starting on Tuesday January 19th. For more information please contact John Romano at