Halloween is right around the corner!!! For the second year, NEMPAC has decided to sponsor the ever-popular “Pizza Party on the Prado” following Trick-or-Treating.
This was a huge success last year, and the kids had a ball! Thank you,
Becca, for all you do to promote fun in our neighborhood! Halloween is
a Saturday this year. Here are some initial details:
We plan to do things a little differently this year. Every
retailer/restaurant in the North End/Waterfront will receive a picture
of a GHOST WITH TREAT BAG (pumpkin picture in previous years) on an
orange piece of paper to hang in their window on Halloween if and
when they are welcoming treaters. Instead of compiling a list of
participants (like we’ve done in years past), please simply look for the
GHOSTS WITH TREAT BAGS in windows on Halloween.
Trick-or-Treating will begin at 3:30pm and go as long as you see a GHOST WITH TREAT BAG in the window of each restaurant/shop/home. Some homes and/or other organizations have asked for a GHOST WITH TREAT BAG picture to hang in their windows in the past. If you would like one or know of anyone who wants one, please let me know via e-mail and I’ll be sure to get one to them.
This will take place from 5:30-7:30pm on the Prado. There will be
games, a craft, prizes, pizza, and more!
All are welcome!
1. Beginning next week, I will need help going around to
retailers/restaurants/organizations delivering a letter about
trick-or-treating and a GHOST WITH TREAT BAG for their window. Please
let me know asap if you are interested in helping with this leg
2. On Halloween day and evening, we will need volunteers for
decorating, game/craft set up AND/OR working each game/craft (giving the
kids directions, passing out prizes, and helping those who may need
help). Games and craft have already been created. We just need help
with decor, set up and running each station. Older children/young
adults are welcome to volunteer too! Please let me know if you are
Thank you! Halloween is sure to be a spook-tacluar night!
Contact Melanie Crocini for more information or to volunteer at mcrocini@hotmail.com.