The City’s “Street Improvement Team” is like a swat team that attacks a different neighborhood and fixes all the little things, making the place look a bit better. They will bring the labor and materials to the North End/Waterfront on Thursday, October 1st. (Ed: You have to love election years!)
Have a fix-up suggestion for the team? Email to get your request on the list.
Below is the text from the City’s press release.
“The team works to make improvements to neighborhood streets that are geared to both maximize traffic and pedestrian safety and enhance the area aesthetically.”
“We’re taking an aggressive and coordinated approach to the maintenance of our neighborhood streets and equipment, and we’re using input from the community to decide our course of action,” said Mayor Thomas M. Menino. “Focusing significant resources on this project, we will accomplish a great deal in just a short period of time.”
The Street Improvement Team is a neighborhood maintenance initiative designed to provide immediate and significant upgrades to local streets, block-by-block.
“Work to be accomplished by the Street Improvement Team includes the replacement of all old, faded, missing or vandalized street name signs, traffic and parking regulatory signs, and poles throughout the targeted neighborhoods. Crosswalks and other pavement markings will be spruced up simultaneously, trees blocking the visibility of signs and traffic signals will be trimmed and weeds will be removed along the sidewalks. Additionally, traffic signals, traffic signal control boxes and street light poles will be painted, potholes will be repaired, streets will be cleaned, power washing will be undertaken and abandoned vehicles will be towed away.”
“Neighborhood volunteers are needed to survey the streets and let us know where city staff should concentrate their efforts,” said Mayor Menino. “Please check the date that the team will be in your neighborhood and if you are available to join your neighbors and assist us with identifying problems, please call the Office of Neighborhood Services at (617) 635-3485 to volunteer your time.”
“City Transportation Commissioner Thomas J. Tinlin said, “With the help of neighborhood volunteers, the Street Improvement Team creates an opportunity for city departments involved in some aspect of street maintenance to combine our efforts and concentrate on just one targeted area at a time. This will allow us to complete as much work as possible in that neighborhood on that one day.”
“City staff will have materials on hand to complete as much of the work as possible immediately, although it may be necessary to schedule certain tasks for follow-up at a later date. Boston’s Street Improvement Team is designed and equipped to manage the maintenance of existing materials and equipment. All requests for new signs, signals and pavement markings must continue to be requested through the Mayor’s 24 Hour Service at (617) 635-4500.”