
Fortune Teller Receives Permit from Licensing Board after NEWRA Supports and NEWNC Opposes

Sophia Anderson, Seeking Fortune Teller Permit

Faced with conflicting views from the two neighborhood groups, the Boston Licensing Board granted Sophia Anderson a fortune teller permit to operate at 215 Hanover Street.

The North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association voted 30-16 in favor of a fortune teller permit for Sophia Anderson to operate on the 2nd floor of 215 Hanover Street. The NEWRA vote occurred at their September 10th monthly meeting.

The North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) voted NOT support the fortune teller permit in a vote of 8-2 at their meeting on Monday, September 15, 2009.

Ms. Anderson proposes to do tarot card and palm readings, teach reading skills, and sell related retail products, such as books, cards and incense.  She will operate until 11:00 pm, 7 days a week. Mrs. Anderson operates a similar business in W. Bridgewater and previously had an operation at 6 Flags amusement park.

The teller believes the business will be successful because the street gets a lot of tourist traffic. The location is directly above the Dolce Vita restaurant. Signs (2×3 feet) will be in the two large picture windows on Hanover Street displaying in gold lettering “Psychic Tarot Card Readings.” Palm readings will cost $20, tarot cards $40 and candles will sell for under $10.

At the NEWRA meeting, an abutter spoke in support of the permit. The abutter owns an international real estate firm, also in the building. She believes that more traffic would be beneficial in the building. The abutter also believes the applicant has psychic ability.