Featured Transportation

Boston Harbor Now Presents Water Transportation Studies at Wharf District Council

Boston Harbor Now Director of Water Transportation Alice Brown gave an update on two water transportation studies at the November Wharf District Council meeting. Boston Harbor Now (BHN) is currently completing two studies to better serve the needs of the current and future customer base. Comprehensive Boston Harbor Water Transportation Study and Business Plans: Plans Read More…

Community Featured Real Estate

Another Extension for Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan; Boston Harbor Now Says Enough

The City of Boston has requested an additional extension from State officials to further the discussions and review of the Downtown Waterfront Municipal Harbor Plan. With the fourth such extension request, the latest delay comes nearly a year after the drafted plan was submitted in March 2017 by the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) for Read More…

Community Transportation

Reader Poll: Should Boston Expand Its Inner Harbor Ferry System?

At a recent meeting of civic non-profit leaders at the New England Aquarium, a lengthy discussion ensued about the expansion of Boston’s water transportation system. The panelists expressed support for additional ferries to decrease the surface road congestion including hundreds of private shuttles transporting employees to / from North and South Station. The panel also raised Read More…


Ferry Service Proposed to Connect Boston’s Waterfront Neighborhoods

City Councilors Sal LaMattina and Bill Linehan filed an order this week for a hearing to develop a ferry network connecting the neighborhoods around Boston Harbor. Waterfront neighborhoods that would be connected include the North End, Downtown, East Boston, Seaport and Charlestown. Councilor LaMattina said, “I think it is time that we have a serious discussion Read More…

Community Real Estate

Lovejoy Wharf Water Transportation Options Discussed at Boston Conservation Commission

If and when a development happens at Lovejoy Wharf, there will be a docking facility for water transportation according to the Massachusetts Department of Conservation (DCR). The floating pier that was previously used by the MBTA at the location was temporarily relocated to replace a damaged dock at George’s Island. According to a December 11th Read More…