Featured Government

Stephen Passacantilli for District 1 City Council Speaks at Residents’ Association [Video]

Stephen Passacantilli, running for District 1 City Council, spoke on June 8th, 2017 to the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) to present his platform for City Council to the members. Passacantilli is running against Lydia Edwards and Margaret Farmer. As a life long North Ender, Passacantilli wanted to make it clear that he Read More…

Featured Government

Margaret Farmer, City Council Candidate, Speaks at Residents’ Association [Video]

At the June 8th, 2017 North End Waterfront Residents’ Association meeting, Margaret Farmer discussed her vision for the City of Boston. Farmer is running for District 1 City Councilor in the upcoming primary election this September. Running against Lydia Edwards, who was just endorsed by State Senator Joe Boncore, and Stephen Passacantilli, Farmer proudly noted, Read More…


June 2017 Residents Association Meeting Community Reports [Video]

The June 2017 meeting of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) covered several community reports. A summary is shown below. Use the timeline to jump to different topics of interest. (00:00): Welcome – NEWRA President Mary McGee North End Construction Update meeting next Thursday, June 15th, 6 PM – 7:30 PM at Nazzaro Read More…