Stephen Passacantilli, running for District 1 City Council, spoke on June 8th, 2017 to the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) to present his platform for City Council to the members. Passacantilli is running against Lydia Edwards and Margaret Farmer.
As a life long North Ender, Passacantilli wanted to make it clear that he would work for the neighborhood as well as everyone in the district. On several occasions throughout his speech he reminded the members how much the North End means to him. “I’m committed to the neighborhood, I’m committed to the city,” he said towards the end of his speech.
Passacantilli’s top three issues are:
- Neighborhood Schools
- Extensive Transportation plan
- Parks System
Regarding Boston Public Schools lunch, Passacantilli believes that kids should be “eating a fresh lunch every day.” He referred to a pilot program at East Boston High School where the school cooks fresh lunches every day and distributes the food to three other schools in East Boston. He also believes that after=school sports, “shouldn’t be a luxury,” and should be more available to all children.
Jump to (08:40) in the video for a Q&A with Stephen Passacantilli.
Currently, Passacantilli is the Director of Operations for the Boston Transportation Department. He previously served as an aide to Mayor Marty Walsh and City Councilor Sal LaMattina. In 2012, Passacantilli was elected the President of the Neighborhood Council (NEWNC).
See the video above for full coverage along with a Q&A, and follow more on the race at our District 1 tag.