Community Featured Government

Neighborhood Council Introduces 2009 Candidates

On May 11, 2009, the North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) met for its monthly meeting at the Nazzaro Center. Council members present included Bill Musto (President), Bill Lane (Secretary), Bob DeCristoforo, Anne Devlin Tagliaferro, Stephen Passacantilli, Daniel Petrigno and Marie Simboli. Non-present council members were Marlo Imbergamo, Jay Kublow, Jodi Lanza, Nicholas LaRosa and Vice-President Read More…

Food & Drink Real Estate

Neighborhood Council Supports Pagliuca’s Expansion

At its May 11, 2009 meeting, the North End Waterfront Neighborhood Council voted unanimously to support zoning relief at Pagliuca’s Restaurant for a proposed expansion at 14-16 Parmenter Street. Pagliuca’s has applied to the Board of Appeal for an expansion of dining to its basement with 16 seats. The added space will be used to accommodate larger parties and overflow Read More…