Real Estate

Knights of Columbus Presents Affordable Elderly Housing Project at 41 N. Margin Street [Video]

After many years of seeking redevelopment options for their property at 41 N. Margin St. in Boston’s North End, the Knights of Columbus (Ausonia Council #1513) have proposed building 23 affordable, elderly apartments. Ground floor space would also house a new council headquarters for the Knights. Presenting for the KoC were John Pagliuca and John Read More…

Police & Fire

Needles Found on North Margin Street

A concerned resident shares these photos of needles found last week on N. Margin Street. As a reminder, needles should not be touched and can be reported to the Mayor’s Hotline at 617 635 4500 or online at Another resident shared this needle photo taken about the same time last week near the top Read More…

Community Health & Environment

“Sticky, Stinky Berries” at Cutillo Park & What’s With the Knights?

A Citizens Connect user posts from Morton St. about the “sticky stinky berries” at Cutillo Park. Sticky stinky berries! And three christmas trees! Please clean out park before a big snow! On Universal Hub, where this was posted as the Complaint of the Day, an anonymous commenter adds another North End complaint: My North End Read More…

Business Health & Environment

Michele Tirella Receives Good Neighbor Recognition Award From Clean Streets Committee

  Michele Tirella received the October 2011 Good Neighbor Recognition Award from NEWRA’s Clean Streets Committee. The Clean Streets award is voted by committee members on a monthly basis in recognition of businesses and property owners that keep their sidewalk and gutter free of trash and debris. View previous recipients of the Good Neighbor Recognition Read More…