Government Health & Environment

Green Ticket Bill Passes House; Michlewitz Gives Maiden Speech

House Bill 3588, known as the Green Ticket Bill, passed in the Massachusetts House of Representatives on Thursday by a vote of 143-1. The bill now goes to the State Senate, where it appears to also have broad support. The Green Ticket Bill adds some teeth to tickets issued by Code Enforcement for violations of Read More…


North End’s Aaron Michlewitz Wins Election

The North End’s Aaron Michlewitz pulled out the win in a hard fought Democratic primary race for State Representative. Michlewitz and the South End’s Susan Passoni each ran very strong campaigns and the results showed Michlewitz with 2,116 votes to Passoni’s 1,945. Lucy Rivera from Beacon Hill and Brian Ross also from the North End, Read More…


State Rep. Candidates Forum Brings Out A Crowd

On Thursday, May 7, a crowd of approximately 200 people showed up at a State Representative Candidates Forum before the May 19 primary election. The event was co-sponsored by the North End/Waterfront Residents’ Association and the League of Woman Voters. NEWRA President Mark Paul introduces the candidates. From Left to Right: Mary Tamer (LoWV), Mark Read More…