Featured Real Estate

Under Construction: Haymarket Square Hotel at Parcel 9

Construction at Greenway Parcel 9 has commenced for the Haymarket Square hotel proposal with the area being cleared and cordoned off by Suffolk Construction. The space is a vacant triangular parcel adjacent to Haymarket that came out of the Big Dig on property owned by the State’s Mass. Department of Transportation (MassDoT). A 6-story, 225-key hotel with a 1-story market Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Parcel 9 – Haymarket Hotel Project Team Presents Height Change From 65.0 to 69.5 Feet

On Monday, March 19, the Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) hosted a public meeting at City Hall to discuss the Parcel 9 – Haymarket Hotel project. The meeting was called specifically to address a key change in the project; an increase in the buildings maximum height, from 65 feet to a maximum of 69.5 Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Haymarket Hotel Proposes Height Change From 65.0 to 69.5 Feet to Boost Floor-to-Ceiling Spaces

A notice of project change (NPC) and amendment to the planned development area of the Parcel 9 – Haymarket Hotel project calls for an increase of the building’s maximum height from 65 to 69.5 feet. The developer, an affiliate of CV Properties, Olshan Properties and Harbinger Development, has proposed the construction of an approximately 225-room Read More…

Announcements Real Estate

Olshan Properties to Recapitalize Boston’s Haymarket Hotel Development

Olshan Properties, one of the country’s leading private owners, developers and managers of residential, commercial, hotel and mixed-use real estate, today announced it has formed a joint-venture with Boston–based CV Properties, Normandy Real Estate Partners, and Harbinger Development to construct a mixed-use hotel and retail development in the historic part of Boston next to the Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Haymarket Hotel at Parcel 9 to Break Ground in Spring 2018

After extended delays, the Haymarket hotel proposal at Parcel 9 is now expected to break ground in the Spring of 2018. An update from land owner, MassDOT, was recently provided in response to inquiries by Victor Brogna, chair of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee. The 6-story, 225-key hotel is located along Blackstone Street and Read More…

Real Estate

Haymarket Hotel (Parcel 9) Approved by Boston Redevelopment Authority

The long-debated Haymarket Hotel proposal at Parcel 9 along Blackstone Street and the Rose Kennedy Greenway was approved on Thursday night by the Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA) Board of Directors. The multi-year bid and review process appears to be coming to an end. With a revised design as part of the Blackstone block and a Read More…

Photos & Videos Real Estate

Video: Haymarket Hotel at Parcel 9 on Blackstone Street Community Meeting

As part of a Planned Development Area review by the Boston Redevelopment Authority, designated developers Normandy Partners/Harbinger Development presented their latest plans on Tuesday night for the Haymarket Hotel at the Greenway’s Parcel 9 along Blackstone Street. Haymarket Hotel has been described as the “third leg” of the emerging “Market District” centered around the longstanding Haymarket Pushcarts and new Boston Read More…

Real Estate

Lower Proposed Height at Parcel 9, Haymarket Hotel

In a significant change from the last round of Parcel 9 review, the latest filing of the “Haymarket Hotel” proposal by designated developer Normandy Partners/Harbinger shows a height reduction from 103 feet down to 65 feet at the tallest section. Also of note, the market hall section has been simplified to one standard story. The lower height responds to specific Read More…

Real Estate

Design Changes for Haymarket Hotel at Parcel 9 Per Mass. Historical Commission Letter [Video]

Video: Parcel 9 (Haymarket Hotel) BRA Impact Advisory Group meeting on January 13, 2016 After extended bidding and selection at the State level, a hotel proposal by Harbinger Development /Normandy Real Estate Partners to develop Parcel 9 at Haymarket continues to be in a state of transition as part of the Article 80 Large Project approval process at the Read More…

Real Estate

NEWRA Concerned About Haymarket Hotel / Parcel 9 Proposal Along the Greenway [Video]

Recent changes in the Haymarket Hotel development project at Parcel 9, along the Greenway, was the discussion topic at a recent meeting of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association. NEWRA President Ford Cavallari took an informal survey regarding the community’s concern about the increase in hotel height (from 85′ to 103′) and redesign by the Normandy Partners / Read More…

Real Estate

Haymarket Hotel Receives Elected Officials Support Amid Design Questions

Jockeying continues around the long-debated development project at Parcel 9 along the Greenway currently undergoing regulatory review. The Haymarket Hotel by developer Normandy Partners/Harbinger has been designated by land owner MassDOT and has most recently received support from the North End’s three primary elected officials, State Senator Anthony Petruccelli, State Representative Aaron Michlewitz and District 1 City Councilor Sal LaMattina. We Read More…

Real Estate

Historical Commission Says Parcel 9 “Haymarket Hotel” is Too High for Blackstone Block

The Massachusetts Historical Commission has taken issue with the proposed height and massing of the Haymarket Hotel proposal for Parcel 9 by Normandy Real Estate Partners and Harbinger Development. In a January 26, 2015 letter, the MHC noted the proposed height far exceeds the 55 feet zoning limit that was set to protect the historic Read More…