The City Council is split between caution and urgency in crafting their response to the mayor’s short-term rentals ordinance, due later this month. “My immediate reaction to a time crunch is to be restrictive and then open it up slowly in terms of what we can offer,” said District 1 City Councilor Lydia Edwards. “Let’s Read More…
Author: Mark Fuechec
Haymarket Hotel Proposes Height Change From 65.0 to 69.5 Feet to Boost Floor-to-Ceiling Spaces
A notice of project change (NPC) and amendment to the planned development area of the Parcel 9 – Haymarket Hotel project calls for an increase of the building’s maximum height from 65 to 69.5 feet. The developer, an affiliate of CV Properties, Olshan Properties and Harbinger Development, has proposed the construction of an approximately 225-room Read More…