Community Featured Real Estate

Dock Square Garage Meeting Discusses Project Changes: Reduced Residential Units, 4″ Increase in Building Height

Proponents for the Dock Square Garage Project discussed the Notice of Project Change (NPC) filing followed by a Q&A at a recent Impact Advisory Group (IAG) session. The project, located at 20 Clinton Street between the Haymarket Hotel (Parcel 9, under construction) site and Faneuil Hall Marketplace, directly across Surface Road from the Greenway’s Parcel 12, has Read More…

Event Notices Real Estate

Dock Square Garage Impact Advisory Group Meeting Oct. 6

The BPDA (Boston Planning and Development Agency) will host a virtual Impact Advisory Group (IAG) Meeting, open to the public, for the Dock Square Garage (20 Clinton St.) project on Tuesday, October 6th 2020 from 6:00PM to 8:00PM. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Notice of Project Change (NPC) filing for the Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Dock Square Garage Housing Moves Forward With 6-Story Addition; 125 Feet High

The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) Board approved the hotly contested development plan at Dock Square Garage at its June 13th meeting. The project is located at 20 Clinton Street between the Haymarket Hotel (Parcel 9, under construction) site and Faneuil Hall Marketplace, directly across Surface Road from the Greenway’s Parcel 12. The proponent Read More…


Op-Ed: Dock Square Garage Proposal: Out of Sight, Out of Their Minds

Judging from several recent articles and columns that have flushed online trolls from their subterranean dwellings, there has been much interest and controversy stirred up by the Boston Planning and Development Agency’s (BPDA aka BRA) approval of a pricey 220,000 square-foot, 14-story commercial and residential structure to replace the existing parking garage at Dock Square that houses the Hard Read More…

Announcements Commentaries

Op-Ed: Just Say No to the Dock Square Project

By Erik Lund The Dock Square project, as proposed, is much too massive in contrast with the scale of the Quincy market area and will damage one of Boston’s greatest institutions and attractions. It should not be granted the numerous permits and variances it has requested, and the vote after BPDA’s Tuesday meeting should be Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Design Commission Rejects Dock Square Garage Proposal

The Boston Civic Design Commission (BCDC) has voted against the Dock Square Garage redevelopment design. The Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) Board can still approve the project, however, notwithstanding the BCDC’s disapproval. Advocates concerned about sight lines along the Greenway are hoping the rare BCDC vote will result in changes. The BCDC made its Read More…

Featured Meetings Real Estate

Residents Debate Dock Square Garage Redevelopment [Video]

Members of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) debated the proposed redevelopment at Dock Square Garage. Head of the group’s zoning committee, Victor Brogna, presented opposition to the height (00:00 in video) based primarily on the loss of the Greenway view corridor from Haymarket to the Custom House Tower. The current plan, shown Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Impact Advisory Group Supports New Dock Square Garage Plans

The Impact Advisory Group (IAG) assigned to the dock square garage project reacted positively to recent changes made to the proposal in a discussion at the IAG’s Wednesday night meeting. Developers appeared before the IAG to discuss changes they made to the plans for the Dock Square Garage since the last time they met several Read More…

Community Featured Real Estate

Reader Poll: Do You Support the New Dock Square Garage Plans with the Reduced Height?

The height of the proposed development at the Dock Square Garage has been reduced from a total building height of 209 feet to 160 feet, according to a presentation by project manager Michael Sinatra at a recent community meeting. The proponent now proposes a seven-story addition be constructed on top of the current seven stories, Read More…

Featured Real Estate

Dock Square Garage Plan Reduced From Ten to Seven Additional Stories

The Boston Planning & Development Agency held a public meeting Monday night to discuss the planned development area of the dock square building project. Most notably, a change in the plans has reduced the overall addition from ten new stories to seven new stories. The plan is to build a seven-story, 220,000 square-foot addition on Read More…

Event Notices Real Estate

Dock Square Garage Public Meeting January 28

Boston Planning & Development Agency (BPDA) will hold a public meeting regarding the dock square garage proposed project on Monday, January 28 from 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. at Boston City Hall. The Proponents propose to construct an approximately 220,000 sf, seven- (7-) story vertical addition to the existing building, and add another approximately 30,000 Read More…