Daily Briefs

Wednesday’s Brief: Feast Prep, “Paddy Wagon,” Movie Night at the Gassy!

What you should know for Wednesday! Events for Wednesday, August 2nd: 3:00pm Coloring in the Courtyard at North End Library. Discover the therapeutic benefits of coloring! Relax, reduce stress, and leave feeling restored. Coloring books and supplies will be provided, but participants are welcome to bring their own materials from home. Located at 25 Parmenter Street. 5:30pm Croquet on Read More…

Daily Briefs

Wednesday’s Guide: Shipping at Old North, BenCotto Review, Pierce-Hichborn Dig, The F-Word, Hayward’s Barber, Gassy Movie Night!

What you should know for Wednesday! Events for Wednesday, July 12th: 5:30pm Croquet on the West Lawn of Christopher Columbus Park. Croquet on the West Lawn of Christopher Columbus Park. The fun starts at 5:30 – 7:30pm. Free and open to all! 6:30pm The Beauty of Shipping Today. Old North Foundation Speaker Series presents The Beauty of Shipping Read More…

Community Health & Environment

DeFilippo (Gassy) Dog Park Design Presented to Neighborhood [Video]

The design phase for the DeFilippo (Gassy) Dog Park is nearing completion with construction expected later this Fall or early in 2017, according to Kelly Thomas, Dog Park Project Manager for the Boston Parks Department. Located on the ‘flights’ area of the Gassy, there are two fenced in terrace areas … larger dogs on the lower Read More…


Schematic Design Options Presented at March 7th DeFilippo Playground (Gassy) Community Meeting

Shown below are the schematics discussed at this week’s community meeting regarding the renovation of DeFilippo Playground (the “Gassy”), courtesy of Boston Parks and Recreation Department. Also shown are photos of play equipment for different age groups.  The primary contact for the project is Cathy Baker-Eclipse at the Parks Department, Cathy.Baker-Eclipse@cityofboston.gov.

This was the second in a series of community meetings to discuss proposed improvements. The project includes a renovation of the park playground and drainage, which currently includes play equipment with resilient surfacing, fencing, drainage structures, trees, benches and paving. I was not at the meeting but if anyone has some discussion points/issues, feel free to use the comment section. 

The next meeting will be Monday, April 4, 2011, 6:30 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet St.

Community Health & Environment

Final Design Selected for Wall Reconstruction Between DeFilippo Playground (Gassy) and Snow Hill Street

A quick consensus developed this week at the third and final community meeting regarding the reconstruction of the brick wall along Snow Hill Street and DeFilippo Park, also known as the Gassy. Boston Parks Department Project Manager, Michele Folts, and Bayside Engineering consultant, William Capone, used this meeting to congeal the community input gathered at Read More…


Proposed Design for Wall Along DeFilippo Park (“Gassy”) & Snow Hill St. – Meeting on January 20th

In preparation for the third and final design meeting on the reconstruction of the brick wall along Snow Hill Street and DeFilippo Park, the Parks Department has released the following flyer showing an updated schematic of the proposed wall. The latest version of the design (shown below) has a sloping, lower height brick wall with Read More…


Final Meeting on DeFilippo Playground (“The Gassy) Wall Improvements on January 20th

DeFilippo Playground Community Meeting Thursday, January 20, 6:30 p.m. Nazzaro Community Center 30 North Bennett Street, North End, Boston The Boston Parks and Recreation Department and the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services invite the public to a community meeting to finalize the design scheme for wall improvements along Snow Hill Street, DeFilippo Playground, located at Read More…

Community Real Estate Sports

Exploring Options for the Snow Hill Street Wall Along the “Gassy”

The North End is one step closer to a more open Snow Hill Street with a new wall on the side of DeFilippo Playground, known as the “Gassy.” The existing brick wall is falling apart and needs to be completely replaced. A second community meeting was held this week with Project Manager Michele Folts from the Read More…


Snow Hill Street Wall at DeFilippo Playground Community Meeting

The second community meeting for the re-design of the Snow Hill Street Wall at DeFilippo Playground has been set for Monday, December 6 at 6:30 at the Nazarro Community Center. This meeting will discuss three design alternatives that were developed from community input from the first meeting that was held in September. Future meetings will Read More…

Community People

Obituary: Donna M. Riordan of the North End

RIORDAN, Donna M. In the North End, Nov. 15, 2010. Beloved mother of Michelle Harrison, grandmother of Jonathan Harrison, sister of Marion Mellon, Regina Towner and the late Edna Parker and Charles Riordan, sister in law of Margaret Riordan, also survived by many nieces and nephews. Memorial Funeral Mass in St. Leonard Church, Prince and Read More…