Featured Government

Edwards & Passacantilli, District 1 City Council Candidates, at North End Forum [Video]

The two final candidates to represent District 1 (North End, Charlestown & East Boston) on the Boston City Council participated in a forum on October 12, 2017 at the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA). Moderated by NEWRA’s Sergeant at Arms Cheryl Delgreco, candidates Lydia Edwards and Stephen Passacantilli made opening statements followed by an extended Read More…

Featured Government

City Council Candidate Q&A: Summer Feast Weekends and Youth Arrests

In this last of a series of posts, we are highlighting specific resident questions from the recent District 1 City Council Candidates Forum hosted by the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). The three candidates running to fill the seat being vacated by Sal LaMattina are Lydia Edwards, Margaret Farmer and Stephen Passacantilli. District 1 includes the North End, Read More…

Featured Government

Clean Streets: District 1 City Candidate Q&A

In this second of a series of posts, we are highlighting specific resident questions from the recent District 1 City Council Candidates Forum hosted by the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). The three candidates running to fill the seat being vacated by Sal LaMattina are Lydia Edwards, Margaret Farmer and Stephen Passacantilli. District 1 includes the North End, Read More…

Featured Government

Candidate Q&A on Development, Role of City Council and the Boston Planning & Development Agency [Video]

In this first of a series of posts, we are highlighting specific resident questions from the recent District 1 City Council Candidates Forum hosted by the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC). The three candidates running to fill the seat being vacated by Sal LaMattina are Lydia Edwards, Margaret Farmer and Stephen Passacantilli. District 1 includes the North End, Read More…

Announcements Event Notices

Boston Harbor Candidates Forum on Waterfront Issues — Districts 1 and 2

Moderated by Boston Globe contributor Michael P. Ross, join a panel discussion on waterfront issues including development, design, water transportation, climate change, resilience, and equity with candidates from two of Boston’s Harbor districts. The panel will feature candidates including: Margaret Farmer, District 1 Stephen Passacantilli, District 1 Corey Dinopoulos, District 2 Ed Flynn, District 2 Read More…

Featured Government

North End Waterfront Residents Quiz District 1 City Council Candidates

District 1 City Council Candidates spoke to a group of North End waterfront residents on Tuesday night at the Prince Building, 63 Atlantic Avenue. Originally set to be outside, the gathering was moved indoors due to the impending thunderstorm. Candidates Lydia Edwards, Margaret Farmer and Stephen Passacantilli largely stuck to their themes from previous forums Read More…

Event Notices Government

Monday Night! North End Debate Between State Senate Candidates

Follow-up: Video from this debate can be viewed at this link. The North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council is hosting a debate between the six candidates running for State Senate on April 4, 6:00 p.m. at the North Bennet Street School (150 North Street, North End, Boston). This will be a true debate, not a forum, moderated Read More…

Event Notices

Waterfront Development Focus at First State Senate Candidates Forum [Video]

Waterfront development, specifically the proposed Lewis Wharf hotel project, was the focus of questions at the first State Senate Candidates Forum. Over 100 residents packed the Pilot House on the North End waterfront to attend the forum, held Thursday night, March 3rd. Candidates are vying to fill the First Suffolk and Middlesex district seat left open Read More…

Event Notices

State Senate Candidates Forum Set for Thursday Night

  Save Our North End Waterfront, a community-organizing arm opposed to the proposed Lewis Wharf hotel project, will host the first forum for State Senator candidates of the First Suffolk and Middlesex district on Thursday, March 3 at 6 pm at The Pilot House. The first of the special election cycle, the forum will focus on proposed developments to Boston’s waterfront and climate preparedness in the Read More…

Event Notices Government

Candidates’ Forum for State Senate Seat on March 3rd

A Candidates’ Forum with State Senate candidates will be held on Thursday, March 3rd, 6:00 p.m. at The Pilot House, 2 Atlantic Avenue in the North End / Waterfront. Joseph Boncore, Lydia Edwards, Diana Hwang, Jay Livingstone, and Dan Rizzo will meet North End neighbors and Save Our North End Waterfront organizers for a discussion of Read More…

Community Government People

Meet Jessica Dello Russo, Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) Candidate

As the May 17th election approaches, the seven residents on the ballot running for North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) were invited to submit statements with their background and reasons for seeking one of the six open seats. Videos are from a Candidates Forum on May 12th.  NEWNC Candidate: Jessica Dello Russo, #6 on Read More…

Community Government People

Meet Ryan Kenny, Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) Candidate

As the May 17th election approaches, the seven residents running for North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) were invited to submit statements with their background and reasons for seeking one of the six open seats. Videos are from a Candidates Forum on May 12th. All North End / Waterfront residents, 18 or older, may Read More…