Arts & Culture Photos & Videos

360 Video: All Saints Day Procession and Reception in Boston’s North End

View this 360 video from the All Saints Day gathering in Boston’s North End. Note for 360 video: You can grab the video screen and drag it around to see the full 360 view. If your browser does not support 360 video or you see a distorted spherical view, watch it directly on YouTube here. Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured

“All Saints Day” Procession in Boston’s North End

All the North End feast societies came together on All Saints Day for a celebratory gathering in Boston’s North End. Known primarily for their feasts and processions, the groups sponsored a Community Mass on November 1st at Saint Leonard Church. After the Mass, a special “All Saints” procession commenced through the streets with the North End Marching Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured Photos & Videos

Photo Gallery: “All Saints Day” Procession in Boston’s North End

A new tradition started this year for All Saints Day where eight religious societies came together for a celebratory gathering in Boston’s North End. Known primarily for their feasts and processions, the groups sponsored a Community Mass with Fr. Claude Scrima and Italian music on November 1st at the newly restored Saint Leonard Church. After Read More…

Event Notices

“All Saints Day” Mass and Procession on Thursday, November 1st

“ALL SAINTS DAY” MASS & PROCESSION  THURSDAY NOVEMBER 1st  ST. LEONARD’S CHURCH, NORTH END BOSTON A Community Mass has been scheduled at Saint Leonard Church Prince & Hanover Streets at 4pm All the local North End Feast Societies and Saints have been invited to join a Procession through the streets of the North End after Read More…


COPP’S HILL MOMENT: All Hallows’ Eve – Saints Among Us

(The celebration of Halloween evokes childhood memories, both fun-filled and fearful, and provides a commercial warm-up to the approach of the winter holidays. In this mad rush, the religious significance lies trampled and forgotten along with the saints we fail to recognize in our midst.) It was Halloween night in Boston’s North End. In the Read More…