Featured Food & Drink Government

Restaurants: Proposed New Liquor Licenses “Slap in the Face” During Pandemic

This week’s Boston City Council hearing on adding 150 non-transferable liquor licenses for underserved neighborhoods became heated as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic could put many existing alcohol licenses on the secondary market from many restaurants expected to go out of business. With all Massachusetts restaurants and bars ordered closed for on-site service as of March Read More…

Health & Environment Schools

NEW Health and NEAD Host Annual Drug Awareness Day for North End Students

North End Waterfront Health (NEW Health) recently held their annual drug awareness day for students and teachers at the Saint John and Eliot Schools. The aim of the event is to make students aware of the dangers of drugs and alcohol,  and to stress the importance of making good choices. Over 100 sixth, seventh and Read More…

Health & Environment

Alcohol Awareness Month Observed in April

April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance used in the U.S. 15.1 million people over the age of 18 have a diagnosis of AUD (alcohol use disorder); this is a medical condition used when a patient’s drinking causes distress or harm. Alcohol use disorder is the third leading lifestyle Read More…

Event Notices

National Alcohol Screening Day

National Alcohol Screening Day is April 7, 2016. Drinking too much can harm your health. Excessive alcohol use, including underage drinking and binge drinking, can lead to increased risk of health problems such as injuries, violence, liver disease, and cancer. Excessive alcohol use can be described as women drinking 4 or more drinks at one Read More…

Community Event Notices

Cancelled: Monday Night NEAD Family Dinner / Family Talk

Announcement from North End Against Drugs: The NEAD Family Dinner / Family Talk event for tonight has been cancelled and rescheduled for May 18th as part of their scholarship night. Please e-mail John Romano at jromano45@gmail.com for any questions or comments. Further announcements for the scholarship night are expected to follow in the next couple of weeks!

Health & Environment

Important Facts about Alcohol and Drinking from NEW Health

by Mary Wright, RN, health educator at North End Waterfront Health In light of April being Alcohol Awareness Month, here are some facts about alcohol and drinking. Alcohol is a depressant that is made from the fermentation of fruits, vegetables, and grains. These ingredients are brewed and distilled into alcoholic beverages that include beer, wine, Read More…

Business Community Food & Drink

NEWRA Adopts New Policy Cap for 11 Package Stores in the North End / Waterfront

At this week’s meeting of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA), the private, non-profit resident group unanimously voted to adopt a policy cap of 11 retail alcohol licenses (package and liquor stores) in the North End / Waterfront. The cap is advisory, not binding, to the Boston Licensing Board that is the regulatory Read More…