Featured Government

Stephen Passacantilli and Lydia Edwards Running for Sal LaMattina’s District 1 City Council Seat

Following Sal LaMattina’s announcement that he was not running for reelection as District 1 City Councilor, two candidates have thrown their hats in the ring — Stephen Passacantilli from the North End and Lydia Edwards of East Boston. The District 1 seat represents the North End, Charlestown and East Boston. There are no party affiliations Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured Photos & Videos

Paul Revere’s Ride Reenactment Caps Off Patriot’s Day Parade [Photos]

The annual Patriot’s Day Parade was held on Monday morning, ending in Boston’s North End with the reenactment of Paul Revere’s midnight ride on April 18, 1775. Performing the reenactment were the Massachusetts National Lancers with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh handing orders to Paul Revere on Brown Beauty. Revere rides down Hanover Street to Charlestown and follows a Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured

Marathon Daffodils in Neighborhood Parks

Marathon Daffodils is the continuing tribute to the “Boston Strong” spirit, now four years after the bombing tragedy. For the 2017 Boston Marathon, the effort expanded to neighborhood parks and public spaces, well beyond the marathon route. The Friends of Christopher Columbus Park brought our attention to the hundreds of potted plants on the waterfront shown in Read More…

Community Featured Food & Drink Photos & Videos

Easter Traditions at Bova’s in Boston’s North End

Happy Easter! The North End bakeries are filled with Easter bread this time of year, including the traditional table set at Bova’s Bakery. Victoria Bova-Kluse gave us a rundown earlier this week of her family’s tradition that goes back almost as long as the 103 years of the bakery itself. For the Easter Bread, the sweet honey dough is Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured

Vision for Public Art in North Square: Four Bronze “Story” Sculptures

Following the first of several community meetings for public art in North Square, the designated artists, A+J Art+Design Team have prepared the following information to communicate their early thinking on the project.  North Square Stories: Four Intertwined Historical Threads THE CONCEPT North Square is a small square with a big place in history and a big Read More…

Featured Government

Boston Capital Plan Funds Eliot School Expansion, Prado & North Square Restorations, New Community Center Study & Columbus Park Repairs

Mayor Walsh released his proposed FY18-FY22 Imagine Boston Capital Plan on Thursday afternoon. A rundown of infrastructure investments dedicated to the North End is shown here, courtesy of City Hall. The largest investments are for the Eliot K-8 School expansion into the North Bennet Street Building as well as redeveloping 585 Commercial Street. Park restorations are Read More…

Featured Government

Sal LaMattina Will Not Seek Reelection as District 1 City Councilor

District 1 City Councilor Sal LaMattina announced Tuesday that he will not seek reelection in September 2017 for another term in the Boston City Council. The decision comes after 29 years of public service to the City of Boston, including 11 years on the City Council. “I feel the time is right to move on to something Read More…

Community Featured

Neighborhood Council Supports Limoncello 2 and Battery Wharf Hotel Function Room; Hears from Senator Boncore and CNJ Nail Spa

Ristorante Limoncello, Inc. owner Maurizio Badolato received the unanimous support (7-0) of the North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) on Monday night for a second location in Boston’s North End. Featuring an Italian menu, “Limoncello 2” will be at 76 Salem Street in the location formerly occupied by Urban Cantina. The original Limoncello will Read More…

Business Featured Food & Drink Photos & Videos

Shopping & Nibbling at the North End Spring Stroll [Photos]

Offering a true “Shop Local” experience, North End stores partnered up with local restaurants to bring shoppers small bites and beverages while Sunday strolling through the neighborhood. Participating shops (with paired restaurants) included: LIT Boutique (Bricco), Shake the Tree (Lulu’s, The Juicery), In-Jean-Ius (Strega), Ensemble (Ernesto), Salmagundi (Pushcart Pizzeria), Wine Bottega, Polkadog Bakery (Neptune Oyster & Mike’s Pastry), Read More…

Featured Meetings Police & Fire

Police Make Arrest in Monica’s Break-in; Suspects Identified Mike’s and Citizens Robberies; Loud Party Arrest

Boston Police District A-1 provided an update on several recent neighborhood crime incidents, summarized below, at the April 2017 North End Public Safety Meeting.  B&E-Commercial (1) -Monica’s Restaurant (Richmond St.): $250 stolen from cash register. Marks on cash register and damage to door. Suspect was identified via video and was arrested in Charlestown. He was wanted on Read More…

Community Featured

North End Egg Hunt Draws Hundreds of Kids to Fun Event [Photo Gallery]

It was a perfect Spring day for the annual North End Egg Hunt on Sunday morning drawing hundreds of neighborhood kids to Christopher Columbus Park. Sponsored by the Boston Community Collaborative and Friends of Christopher Columbus Park, the group had prepared over 2,500 stuffed eggs and hid them all around the park creating fun for all ages! Photos by Matt Conti Read More…

Arts & Culture Featured

2017 Reconfiguration of Abstract Sculpture [Photo Gallery]

The split rhomboid dodecahedron monument at the Armenian Heritage Park on the Greenway, known as the Abstract Sculpture, was reconfigured this week for the 2017 season. Made out of steel and aluminum, the Abstract Sculpture changes from each year. The debut of this year’s sculpture is one of the 24 possible configurations, featuring kissing halves and a low profile that extends Read More…