St. John school
Community People Schools

St. John School Celebrates Thanksgiving with Meal from Golden Goose

During this season of gratitude, St. John School would like to pause and take this opportunity to say how thankful our school is for the wonderful Thanksgiving meal the Golden Goose so generously donated to our students last week. Our first and second grade students gathered for a feast of turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, green Read More…

st. john school
Community People Schools

St. John School Delivers Bountiful Harvest to St. Anthony Shrine

During the season of appreciation and gratitude, St. John School continues its mission of giving back to the community with our partnership with St. Anthony Shrine. Our 3rd grade students picked, packed, and delivered an abundant Thanksgiving Harvest to the Franciscan Food Center at St. Anthony Shrine yesterday. They were met with applause as they Read More…

Event Notices Kids & Families Schools

St. John School to Host Open House

St. John School is hosting an Open House on Wednesday, October 18th at 9:30 am. We are accepting registrations for the 2018/2019 school year for Grades K3-8. From a foundation of values and knowledge, our K3-8th grade learners soar. By blending compassion with curiosity, St. John School sets the stage for dynamic discovery. Students learn Read More…

Featured Kids & Families Schools

St. John School Congratulates the 2017 Graduates!

St. John School celebrated its 2017 Commencement on June 9th with the graduation of four students. Principal Karen McLaughlin congratulated the graduates as they were presented their diplomas in Sacred Heart Church. Diplomas were presented to the following students: John Paul Anderson Michael Buttiri Teddy Pasto Nicolas Williams CONGRATULATIONS to our 8th Grade Graduates. We wish Read More…

st. john school suffolk university pat hogan
Community Kids & Families People Schools

St. John School Students Get Visit with Suffolk University Professor Pat Hogan

Suffolk University Associate Professor, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Pat Hogan, visited St. John School to talk with the kids about science and chemistry and some exciting experiments her college students conduct each day. She showed the students some of her wacky and weird pets that include hedgehogs, hamsters, and a cat, as well as telling them Read More…

Featured People Schools

St. John School Student Receives The Max Warburg Courage Award

Max Warburg Courage Curriculum’s “Courage in My Life” for sixth graders is a year-long language arts program based on the value of courage and is used in Boston Public Schools, St. John School, charter, and private schools. It empowers students to realize that their actions and decisions can be powerful agents of change. Through reading, Read More…

Featured Kids & Families Schools

St. John School Students Receive First Holy Communion

On Saturday, May 6th twenty two St. John School students celebrated their First Holy Communion with their parents, grandparents, family members, Principal Karen McLaughlin and their teachers, Ms. Grace Miller and Ms. Meghan Murphy. The students were receiving the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for the first time at Sacred Heart Church in the North End. The boys looked very Read More…

Kids & Families Schools

St. John School Students Take History Tour with Suffolk University Professor Bob Allison

Before going on April vacation, St. John School’s middle school students spent an afternoon with Suffolk University History Professor, Bob Allison, learning about the American Revolution and the rich history of Boston’s famed Faneuil Hall. Professor Allison explained what all of the components of the Massachusetts state flag meant and represented, as well as the Read More…

Business Kids & Families Schools

Golden Goose Owner, Steve DeAngelis, Visits St. John School

Steve DeAngelis, owner of the Golden Goose, dropped by St. John School last week so that our students could thank him in person for all of his support of SJS. Our principal, Karen McLaughlin, and our Director of Advancement, Lisa Santarpio, gave Steve a tour of the school, visiting our 5th graders during Dr. King’s Read More…

Daily Briefs Kids & Families People Schools

St. John School Students Get Experimental at the Annual School Science Fair

Does arm length equal throwing power? What solution works best to clean oxidized pennies?  Can you grow a rock in a cup? These are some of the questions that St. John School’s middle school students explored at the annual STEM science fair this week. Over 65 students showcased their scientific poster designs using a similar layout to that used Read More…

Kids & Families Schools

St. John School “Growing Up” Tower Garden Program Launched

St. John School has initiated a new outreach program with St. Anthony Shrine Franciscan Food Center, led by Karen Shea, who has been teaching Vertical Farming to our K3 and 1st Grade students this year. St. John School wanted to give back to the community by expanding the vertical gardening program outside of our school, Read More…

Community Kids & Families Schools

St. John School History Slam with Suffolk University Professor Bob Allison

St. John School’s 2nd through 5th Grade students once again enjoyed a very captivating history slam lesson yesterday from Suffolk University History Professor Bob Allison and Archer O’Reilly. The duo came to the school dressed in their period clothing from the Revolutionary War. Professor Allison was John Rowe, a Boston merchant, and Archer O’Reilly was Read More…