Event Notices Kids & Families

Annual Christopher Columbus Park Tot Lot Cleanup and Celebration May 4

Join the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park (FOCCP) for their annual playground celebration and clean-up in preparation for the summer season on Saturday, May 4 from 12 p.m. – 2 p.m. There will be free children’s activities including touch-a-truck firetruck, storytelling, pizza and more. See the full event flyer below.


Fox25 Zip Trip Interviews Friends of Christopher Columbus Park & NEMPAC

Fox News hosted their morning news show from Christopher Columbus Park Friday morning for its “Fox Zip Trip” segment.  They had about 10 booths with businesses plus bouncy houses for the kids to play in. The idea was to interview with local organizations, businesses and neighbors from the North End / Waterfront. Two local groups interviewed included Read More…