Daily Briefs

Wednesday’s Brief: Rise in Rat Reports, Celebrate What Unites Us, EquilibriOM Fitness

Today is Wednesday, September 23, 2020 and a number of Boston businesses are selling RBG bracelets to support women’s rights and honor Ginsburg after her passing this last Saturday, read more on WHDH.com.

Here’s what else you need to know for today…

10:00AM Celebrate What Unites Us: Breads! Join the Armenian Heritage Park for a special at-home Celebrating What Unites Us! program to keep us connected and coming together. This session will feature bread recipes from Andrew Janjigian, America’s Test Kitchen Bread Expert and Editor at Cook’s Illustrated, see additional details here.

6:00PM EquilibriOM Fitness by Namastay Sober. Join Namastay Sober for EquilibriOM fitness, part of the Greenway’s 2020 Summer Fitness Series. Pre-registration is required; see additional details here.

Notable News:

Boston sees rise in rat reports during the coronavirus pandemic

The Boston City Council met yesterday to discuss a growing rat problem that seems to be affecting every neighborhood more intensely since the beginning of the pandemic, read more on WCVB.com.

Side Streets & Bakeries:


Plan your events with the Community Calendar:

Thursday, September 24

6:00PM Abutters Meeting for Daily Catch Restaurant Expansion. An abutters meeting for the Daily Catch Restaurant proposed expansion at 65-69 Atlantic Avenue will be held virtually. The proposal is to expand from the existing restaurant (1700 sq. ft.) to take over the office/retail space next door at the former laser salon (650 sq. ft.). Three existing egress, two bathrooms, ventilation, sprinkler, and Kitchen/Hood/PCU will remain the same. Remove demising walls to create ‘open’ floor plan. Join the meeting here.

Keep up with what’s happening on the Events Calendar.

Did we miss something? Add it to the comments below. 

3 Replies to “Wednesday’s Brief: Rise in Rat Reports, Celebrate What Unites Us, EquilibriOM Fitness

  1. Marty Walsh is trying to save the Restaurants from folding. This is very understanding, the
    restaurant owners are his biggest contributors. Where does this leave the Residents? The
    attitude is, if you don’t like it, move to the Burbs, this is City Living & guess what this is
    also B. S. The residents have been suffering for far too many years for the restaurants. The
    residents may not be making large contributions as the millionaire restaurant owners, but we
    more than paid our way. The North End was home for a lot of Immigrants who came here
    and made it their home. We might have gotten rid of the so called Cosa Nostra and now
    we deal with the Restaurant Mafia. Menino & Walsh made this all possible. To hell with the
    Residents & hooray for the Restaurants, if you don’t like it leave. What an unfair system &
    it has been like this for many years. Residents do not stick together as they do in Beacon
    Hill & Charlestown, and this is the results. Strength is in numbers & anything worth having is
    worth fighting for, short & simple. I can understand that all the restaurants are trying to
    survive, but not at residents’ expense. Our streets are filthy, not in Charlestown & Beacon
    Hill or Back Bay, NO fault of the restaurants, absentee landlords are responsible for this. The
    reason why you are seeing more rats is because restaurants are surviving by feeding their
    patrons on our streets, or should I say their streets. There is no justice for No. End Residents
    because they never did anything about this. I am not talking riots, I am talking protests.
    The residents have only fought when it was their house, their building, their street, and the
    main issue is, it is ” Our Neighborhood “. The residents have not only been affected by rats &
    seagulls, but what about the noise that all this outdoor seating has caused. People have to
    go to work, or they have children, they lost parking spaces outside of their homes, and the
    answer is too bad, if you don’t like it leave the city. Most of the restaurant owners don’t live
    in the No. End & those that do are never affected by the noise because they are secluded.
    Well let us just say, when it is time to vote, remember all these resident setbacks.

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