The North End/ Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, September 14, 2020 at 7pm via Zoom.
In addition to the monthly committee reports, the meeting will hear from Save Boston’s Waterfront voicing opposition to the Harbor Garage Redevelopment project plans, a presentation regarding the N. Washington St. proposed bus lane, and updates from Executive Director of Old North Foundation Nikki Steward about programming and services.
A petitioner at 14 N. Bennet St. will present their proposal for changing the legal occupancy from a rectory to six residential units as well as a one-story addition (previously opposed by the Council at their December 2019 meeting). Daily Catch Waterfront located at 65-69 Atlantic Avenue will present and seek approval to expand their restaurant use into an adjacent former laser studio.
To join the meeting, visit the Zoom link here. Meeting ID: 870 8341 0447 Password: 665329
See the full agenda below.