Featured Transportation

Free Garage Parking Extended Through October 31

The City of Boston and the team at the Government Center Garage have agreed to extend the free parking for North End residents impacted by cafe zones. The offer will now conclude at midnight on October 31.

Restaurants tables where there used to be street parking.

This parking offer was introduced in mid-June, shortly after the cafe zones, created so restaurants could offer outdoor dining during the COVID-19 pandemic, were set up along the North End streets in spaces typically used for residential parking.

Originally eligible only for residents at  52 – 139 Salem Street or 13 – 381 Hanover Street, the offer is now available to all North End residents. The address limitations have been lifted.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this offer, follow the steps below. 

  • Fill out the following electronic waiver before you arrive at the garage for your pass: https://forms.gle/bkovFEfsv4ipFhYq9. Once the form is complete it will be sent to the garage office automatically. 
  • In order to pick up your pass, you will need to make an appointment after filling out the waiver above. You can make an appointment by emailing the garage office at gcg@spplus.com. Please include your name and license plate number in your email to schedule an appointment. 
  • When arriving for your appointment you will need to bring your driver’s license and vehicle registration to the garage office for address confirmation when picking up their pass at your appointment. 
  • Finally, all persons coming to the garage parking office must please abide by current COVID-19 guidelines and wear appropriate face covering.

You will be able to pick up your pass once you have completed the steps above to allow you into the garage. If you have any additional questions, please contact your Neighborhood Liaison John Romano at john.romano@boston.gov.

2 Replies to “Free Garage Parking Extended Through October 31

  1. I would hope there is free parking for these residents, their spaces were taken away from them.

  2. With the tourist business way off and many places at Fanuel Hall shuttered, they might consider extending it through the winter.

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